5 Tips for Embracing the New Work-Life Balance

5 Tips for Embracing the New Work-Life Balance

Even as some states begin to reopen, the majority of business still require employees to work at home, and working in the same space that you live in has become a new reality for many. In a population conditioned to separate the two, this assimilation makes it difficult to perform effectively in any role.

Displaced and emotional workers and managers alike are struggling to find a new work-life balance. Although it feels uncomfortable now, this will likely become the new reality for some time. Achieving an effective work-life balance while working and living at home is essential to continued success.

Striking balance in isolation requires an organizational approach. Simplify, segregate, and synthesize. These are the key elements of these 5 tips for embracing the new work-life balance.

#1 – Designate Space

Create barriers between work and life at home by designating one or two specific areas that you will perform your work tasks within. Create a workspace that you love. Your workspace should contain all essential working elements so you will not need to take frequent breaks during working hours.

#2 – Decide Less

It is essential to simplify your decision tree while living and working within the same space. Cut out all nonessential decisions and focus on organizing and achieving essential tasks efficiently.

Set aside a time each day or week to eliminate nonessential inefficiencies in your daily routine, such as deciding what to wear and what to eat, by planning and preparing for these in advance.

#3 – Batch Production

The best method for performing mixed daily tasks at home efficiently is the batch approach. At the beginning of each workday or workweek, create a list of everything that needs to be done in that time period. Group tasks based on type and deadline, placing together activities of a similar nature that will require much the same tools and skill set.

Complete related tasks together in a single time frame. Make it a priority to complete each group of tasks without taking a break to work on something unrelated.

Recalibrate your approach as appropriate for each task group. Avoid excessive multitasking so that whatever you are working on has your full attention.

#4 – Practice Empathy

Remember that everyone is experiencing an emotional response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Extend emotional support and understanding wherever possible.

#5 – Embrace Change

This is an evolutionary time for the human race. Our global society has been forced to undergo a rapid transformation, integrating remote channels as fundamental rather than supplementary means of communication. While we adapt to this change, we are preparing our minds to embrace what may be a new working reality long after physical working conditions are restored.

Take advantage of this time to improve flexibility and develop new skills that may become more valuable in the near future. Learn the ins and outs of remote communication and collaboration channels, exploring unique features and refining best methods for utilizing these channels to most efficiently and effectively relay meaning to colleagues.


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