Cyber Attacks In Business

Technology has modified the business world into a new spectrum of success. In creating social platforms like Slack, Trello, and LinkedIn, companies can store projects and information effectively to be shared. The role of technology is benefiting a mass population of users, but there are damages.

Hackers and scammers often purge the internet. Sensitive information can be leaked and businesses can be vandalized. As reported, 71% of cyber attacks appear in small businesses. This number is due to sheer lack of knowledge on cyber attacks and how to prevent it. The internet is a tricky tool. Some authorized websites can even expose you to malware for hackers.

Investing in a cyber-security service is one tactic to protect your business from a cyber attack. There are 7 more tips in order to avoid a cyber attack:

First: Get Cyber-Security Liability Insurance

No matter how many lines of defense you may have around your systems, sometimes accidents happen and can leave you and your business vulnerable. That’s where HIG’s Cyber-Security Liability Insurance comes in handy. Cyber Security policies will offer coverage for the liability your business assumes arising from a data breach exposing your customer’s personal information, such as Social Security numbers, addresses or credit card numbers, either unintentionally or stolen by a hacker.

In just under two minutes, you can get a quote using our simple and easy online tool.

Click here to get your quote today!


Use A Strong Password

Having a strong password will enhance your business security. Your business accounts contain all of the information surrounding the success of your business. So there are strict policies to follow for all business accounts. When creating a strong password, you must have a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. You must also avoid adding in any personal or common information. Although the most common practice is to provide a different password for each company network, this is actually a flaw. To keep employees assured and to avoid confusion, stick to one password. Regularly change if there is a need.

Backup Your Data

All of your files and data must be regularly backed up in case of an accident. Accidents surrounding the lost or damage of your data is one that cannot be fixed easily. If everything is backed up in an outside hard drive or in the cloud, then there is a guarantee that your business will be okay. Allowing sensitive information to escape and into the hands of your competitors will only damage your business.

Install Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware

A virus breakout is the biggest feared threat on computers and networks. Malware is short for malicious software and is a tool created by hackers and especially for other hackers to be sent into your devices to retrieve personal information. This can do a lot of harm to the data and software that your business obtains. By installing an antivirus, this will detect and destroy any computer viruses in a timely manner. It is better to be safe than sorry in installing these antivirus and anti-malware software.

Encrypt Your Data

All of the information within your business needs to be securely distant from your competitors. Encrypting isn’t difficult, it simply locks your files and data away by using a secret code. This is applied for any online data that can be bothered by an outsider. Encrypting essentially just messes or scrambles with the data so it becomes nearly impossible for the data to be spied on. You will make most of the data on the hard drives protected to an outsider of your business.

Update All Softwares

By ensuring your security applications are up to date, this will protect your company from any threats that are taking order online. This includes updating anti-malware anti-virus, and any other security-based software that you use on every computer in your company. You will not be able to detect a cyber attack if you are not frequently online or active. It takes approximately a few minutes to simply download and install a new update as opposed to a long period of cyber attacks on your business.

Educate Your Employees

The internet has a variety of rules to follow in order to be safe. Some employees may be unaware of the dangers lurking online. They must know the warning signs behind the cyber attacks and more importantly, what to do when it occurs. The IT department should not be the only knowledgeable on computers. Employees that are using a company computer must be aware of the device that they are using. They must understand the terminologies like hacking, phishing, malware, social engineers, and more. Hacking takes form in emails and systems, while phishing is through a fraud website. Phishing collects personal information and is a form of cyber-theft. There are a different kinds of cyber attacks, and these are just some of the most common ones that your employee needs to know in order to avoid.

And remember, HIG offers a free and easy way to get a quote for Cyber-Security Liability Insurance for your small business.

Just follow this link to get on your way to being covered so that if the worst happens, you know you’re still covered!

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