How To Safely Walk Your Dog In The Summertime

How to Safely Walk Your Dog in the Summertime

We’re at the peak of summer, and like most people, you’re probably sweating from the absurd heat that you’ve been experiencing so far. But did you know that this could also be the case for your little canine companion? Walking a dog in the summertime will require a bit more planning than what you’d normally be accustomed to.

The most important thing to prioritize is to keep your dog hydrated. Consider carrying a specialized water bottle for your little pup, and to be sure to watch out for signs that it’s getting dehydrated. Keep in mind the breed of your dog, and the color of its fur: darker dogs tend to need water more because of their fur, they absorb and trap in more heat. That’s not to say that light dogs would be more resistant, it all depends.

Another tip that you need to keep in mind is to always stop for breaks every so often to check on the condition of your dog’s paws. Remember, they’re not using footwear like you are, so they’d be at their complete mercy on the pavement. Be sure to keep checking their paws and stop immediately if you notice any swelling from the heat. Importantly, be sure to take lots of rest.

Be sure to not go too far when you’re walking your dog as well. The further you go away from your home on your walk, the faster you and your dog will tire out. A quick walk to the nearby park or to the end of your block could be a better idea, factoring in the hot weather. It can also do you some good by walking in a  fairly populated area, in case anything should happen to you or your puppy. Someone will notice and be able to offer you assistance.

Walking a dog in the spring or fall will be significantly different. This is mostly due to the fact that in the summer months, the days tend to be longer and the nights are shorter. This means that the sun will be out for longer periods of time, rather than during the rest of the year.  Considering the facts, don’t walk your furry friend for too long.

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