How is Workers Compensation premium determined?

Workers Compensation Premium Determined

Your workers’ compensation insurance premium is based on a rating your company has, which is based on payroll, averages for your industry and claims experienced over a three-year period. Claims have a direct impact on this experience modification factor (mod), which can significantly drive up premiums. This means many times a company will pay for its own claims in increased premium costs. There are many things that companies can do to lower their workers’ compensation costs, such as:

  • Inspecting your insurance policy to make sure that all job classifications and payrolls are correct.
  • Making an investment in workplace safety to avoid accidents to improve claim histories and reduce overall costs. If you modify operating procedures even slightly, you can alleviate unnecessary exposure to injuries.
  • Considering using a managed care organization that has a relationship with your insurance company. This will help you save on medical treatment costs.
  • Creating a modified duty program at your organization to help injured employees return to work sooner. Under these programs, employees are assigned duties that they can physically complete while they recover. The most successful return to work programs incorporate speedy, quality medical care and assistance to reduce emotional stress after an accident.

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